A lot of people have had to suffer because of the government shutdown. I have seen a lot of people – including my own family – be affected by this ridiculous, ridiculous situation. One of the government programs that is currently not being funded is the Women, Infants, and Children Food and Nutrition program. I don’t care where you fall on the political spectrum or how much you feel that these moms need to stop looking for handouts and get a job so that they can feed their babies or not have babies if they can’t afford to (seriously, let’s have a one-on-one, level headed conversation about that if this reflects your general viewpoint), but the people who suffer most from the lack of funds to this program are poor, innocent babies, most of whom already have the deck stacked against them.

The oh-so-awesome Feminist Hulk (yes, as in green Hulk smash but not at all affiliated with Marvel or She Hulk) is compiling a list of resources for those in need of infant formula, baby food, and lactation resources that they normally would receive through WIC. More information can be found here: WIC AND SHUTDOWN: WHERE TO GET BABY FOOD AND FORMULA. You can help by:

  • Spreading the word about this project
  • Sharing information about any organizations or programs that can assist these women and children in need
  • Donate to a local agency or organization that provides support and resources to women and children in need